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Our Vision

“The Central Zone of Chile,
a World Model for Ecosystem Recovery
and Sustainable Development”

Our Mission

Promote the forestry and environmental development of the Central Zone of Chile, involving landowners, private and state institutions, in order to promote the sustainable development of native Chilean forest, as well as promoting innovation and execution of projects and programs to introduce new plant species suitable for the area, phytosanitary control, prevention of forest fires, and in general, any topic that means increasing the environmental sustainability of the central zone of Chile, contributing to the generation of wealth for the good of our society.

Why Bosques del Norte was created

Bosques del Norte SA was created in 2011, due to the need to generate greater environmental and forestry management in the Central Zone of Chile. This is an area of fragile ecosystems, with low rainfall, as well as degraded soils due to the intense use and progress of desertification. An area where the native forest is sclerophyllous and Mediterranean, a scarce formation in the world, but locally it has been given very little value even it has great potential.

Within this same area, there are thousands of hectares of forest plantations with exotic species that present serious problems of adaptability, phytosanitary in poor condition and therefore, with low growth. Moreover, coincidentally, it is the most populated area of Chile so the pressure for environmental resources is very strong.

International Forest Certification

We have imposed ourselves a new and great challenge!
Bosques del Norte has decided to achieve a forest certification seal, with scope for the native forest of the Central Zone. With the cooperation of some associated owners, we hope to be certified by the end of 2017.


© 2015 Bosques del Norte S.A. Av. Portales 879, Casablanca, Valparaíso region, Chile +569 95565590 | Home | About us | Products | Contact us | Proyects | Contact